Oggi è arrivato dai parenti del Sud un bel mazzetto di origano essicato da sbriciolare e conservare.
Today a nice bunch of dry oregano was sent to us by human's relatives from South Italy.
Today a nice bunch of dry oregano was sent to us by human's relatives from South Italy.
Eccolo qui! Profuma tantissimo...
Here it is and it smells a lot!
Aspetta un momento...Ha lo stesso odore della mia amatissima Pizza!!!
Hey,wait a moment...it smells like my big love, la Pizza!!!

The bundle needs to be prepared: branch by branch you have to crumble it with the hands, also the paws are good. I'll offer mine with pleasure, expecially if I would be rewarded
C'è voluto un po' di tempo ma ora è pronto
It took us some time but finally the oregano it's ready
L'origano è una delizia sul ragù, basta un pizzico e il sugo diventa una vera bontà. La morte sua!
Oregano is delicious on ragù, add a little pinch and the sugo becomes extra tasting. As the humans says: "la morte sua" when you talk about a perfect combination of two things.
Ecco la mia ricompensa! O meglio, un assaggio della mia ricompensa. Fare l'origano è molto divertente e soprattutto utile se vuoi guadagnarti una bella porzione di pasta senza tanta fatica!
And this is my reward! Or better, a taste of it. However making oregano is really funny expecially if you want to gain a nice dish of pasta with ease! Buon appetito!

It took us some time but finally the oregano it's ready

Oregano is delicious on ragù, add a little pinch and the sugo becomes extra tasting. As the humans says: "la morte sua" when you talk about a perfect combination of two things.

And this is my reward! Or better, a taste of it. However making oregano is really funny expecially if you want to gain a nice dish of pasta with ease! Buon appetito!
11 commenti:
Thanks to you and you mom for sharing the Oregano with us. We can almost smell it on your paws! Grazie!
(and that is almost the limit of our conversational Italian, the muzzer is so old that they taught Latin where she went to school.)
Gussie and Teka
sorry, the "r" key on the laptop is sticking, we meant "you and your mom"
We have oregano growing in our garden and mom does harvest some of it for tomato sauce! It's a wonderful herb!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Ciao, Eubie! Io sono la'umana sorella di Gus. La tua sugo sembra deliziosa, e quello che un cane intelligente si tu per preparare l'origano.
How helpful you are in the kitchen!
We like to help too, if it means that we get to taste the food.
Your sauce looks devine!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Ciao Eubie!!! Come stai??
Mi hai fatto venire un'aquolina tremenda, con quel sugo squisito!!!
Mi sa che vado a mettere qualcosa sotto ai denti.
Buona domenica.
Woof, woof,
Thank you! Thank you! You just helped us remind OurMoma to go cover the "Spicy Oregano" that we've got growing in our deck planter. The nights have been getting cool ... and we want to make it last as long as possible. Even though it is NOT as good your your oregano appears. (OurMoma says she'll not plant the "spicy" variety next time.)
Your hungry pals
Jake and Fergi
Oh Eubie, you wouldn't belive it. I'm on a diet and every blog I read is about food. Do you know what I had for dinner? Two pills.
Ciao caro amico, come va? Spero bene!
Buon fine settimana.
Woof, woof,
Ciao Eubie vieni nel mio blog a festeggiare con me il mio compleanno!
ti aspetto.
Woof, woof,
thank you for sharing
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