venerdì 29 luglio 2011

la vacanza sta finendo...

Anche ieri sera ha piovuto. Tutta la popolazione canina in vacanza qui ha pensato bene di mettere il pelo in salvo, restando a casa. Io invece sono uscito ugualmente. Sotto la pioggia ho incontrato solo un paio di setter, tutti impegnati a fare cose che fanno i setter sotto la pioggia. Un paio di agitate di coda tra noi ed ho continuato il mio cammino. Poco prima di trasformarmi in una spugna gigante a forma di fox terrier ho pensato bene di ritornarmene a casuccia. La pioggia è divertente ma quando la coda comincia a pesare sulla schiena significa che è ora di stare all'asciutto.

Yesterday night was raining again. All the canine population on vacation here took the right decision to keep their coats at safe, staying home. I've decided t
o go out though. Under the heavy rain I met only a couple of setters, all busy doing what setters usually do under the rain. We exchanged a couple of tail wagging and I went on walking. A bit before mutating myself in a big foxterrier-shaped sponge I've decided to come back home to sleep. Rain is fun but if your tail becomes heavy on your back it's time to dry it.

Stamattina, appena sveglio, dando un'occhiata fuori ho visto che il balcone era ancora tutto bagnato così ho preso un po' di sole da dentro casa in attesa di portare la mia umana a passeggio.

When I woke up this morning the house's balcony was still f
ull of water for yesterday's heavy rain, so I decided to sunbake inside while I was waiting to take my human for a walk.

Eccomi, poco dopo, ad osservare con attenzione gli umani del posto, in piazzetta anche qualche altro cane ha deciso, come me, di portare il suo umano a passeggio!

This is me carefully watching the people around. In the "piazzetta" (little square) other dogs bring their humans for a walk just like I did with mine.

Sono sempre più che disponibile alla macchina fotografica...

Always ready to smile at the camera...

Come farà la gente del posto a fare a meno di un ottimo guardiano come me quando dopodomani dovrò tornare al mio Quartier Generale?

It will be hard for the people of this town to stay without such a guardian like me, when the day after tomorrow I will resume working at my Head Quarter.

10 commenti:

TwoSpecialWires ha detto...

What a handsome sponge you must be, because you are a VERY handsome dog, with a beautiful smile.

Now. We have a very important question. How's the gelato in your neighborhood? Do you need anyone to come help you taste test it?

Your new friends,
Jake and Fergi

Maxmom ha detto...

Hey there Eubie...
... and welcome to blogland!
You sure are a cutie. Hope you have lots of fun making new friends.

Eubie ha detto...

I like gelato a lot, expecially sweeter ones. I saw your pics eating some cones, it made me really hungry but I have to wait till evening to get one. Jake & Fergi, if one day you'll come to Italia I will bring you for a tour of the best gelaterie that italian humans have here!I also saw that you like shrimps...I ate one of those today, and I rub their smell on my coat this morning on the fishermen's beach.Ciao!

Eubie ha detto...

@Maxmom: ciao, nice to meet you. Max's blog is really touching and I'll add it on my list. I'm happy that you meet another friend, the bellissimo Toby.I saw that outside your house it's really cold...I will do a swim in the sea for Toby later!This winter Toby will do one for me while I will be freezing at home.Take care and bau (woof in italian)

Gus ha detto...

Have a safe trip to headquarters. Jake and Fergi sent us! We will be back!

gussie n teka

Eubie ha detto...

Hey Gus!Only one day left and I will soon be at home. I'm sad to leave seagulls here, but I know that a lot of city pigeons are waiting me home.

Mai the Westie ha detto...

Hey, thank for visiting my blog. I like walking in the rain, but my mom doesn't.

Have fun with blogging.

Greetings from Slovenia,

Gus ha detto...

Eubie! We sent your blog url to my sissie E.Rabbitt, and here is her comment (she speaks Italian, complete with shrugs and gestures.)

"Un cane bello e sofisticato!"

I think she likes you!


Sally ha detto...

Hello from London! It is nice to meet another handsome fox terrier - our D visits Milano sometimes - she says it is a lovely city - but we like the idea of visiting for the ice cream!

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Chicco ha detto...

Ciao Eubie! Mi dispiace sentire che il tempo non è stato granché lì da te. Ma di sicuro ti sarai divertito lo stesso!
Buon weekend, e felice ritorno dalle vacanze (anche se so che è dura ricominciare dopo un periodo di relax!).
Woof, woof,
