Oggi è arrivato dai parenti del Sud un bel mazzetto di origano essicato da sbriciolare e conservare.
Today a nice bunch of dry oregano was sent to us by human's relatives from South Italy.
Today a nice bunch of dry oregano was sent to us by human's relatives from South Italy.
Eccolo qui! Profuma tantissimo...
Here it is and it smells a lot!
Aspetta un momento...Ha lo stesso odore della mia amatissima Pizza!!!
Hey,wait a moment...it smells like my big love, la Pizza!!!

The bundle needs to be prepared: branch by branch you have to crumble it with the hands, also the paws are good. I'll offer mine with pleasure, expecially if I would be rewarded
C'è voluto un po' di tempo ma ora è pronto
It took us some time but finally the oregano it's ready
L'origano è una delizia sul ragù, basta un pizzico e il sugo diventa una vera bontà. La morte sua!
Oregano is delicious on ragù, add a little pinch and the sugo becomes extra tasting. As the humans says: "la morte sua" when you talk about a perfect combination of two things.
Ecco la mia ricompensa! O meglio, un assaggio della mia ricompensa. Fare l'origano è molto divertente e soprattutto utile se vuoi guadagnarti una bella porzione di pasta senza tanta fatica!
And this is my reward! Or better, a taste of it. However making oregano is really funny expecially if you want to gain a nice dish of pasta with ease! Buon appetito!

It took us some time but finally the oregano it's ready

Oregano is delicious on ragù, add a little pinch and the sugo becomes extra tasting. As the humans says: "la morte sua" when you talk about a perfect combination of two things.

And this is my reward! Or better, a taste of it. However making oregano is really funny expecially if you want to gain a nice dish of pasta with ease! Buon appetito!