Ariel, sotto nell'ultimo saluto con la sua umana, il leone che da un anno era rimasto paralizzato, purtroppo non ce l'ha fatta. Stamattina ha smesso di combattere, aveva tre anni ed era malato ed immobile dall'anno scorso. Quando uno di noi se ne va è sempre molto triste. Infatti stamattina quando ho letto la notizia insieme alla mia umana ho notato che era davvero giù di morale. Ho capito subito perché: il mio predecessore, (qui a destra quando era giovane e fiero) un bastardino di madre fox terrier e padre ignoto, poco prima di tornare libero nel posto da dove noi cani veniamo, aveva smesso anche lui di camminare e le foto di Ariel degli ultimi tempi assomigliavano molto alle sue. Lo sguardo è lo stesso. Quello della padrona di Ariel uguale a quello della mia umana. Il mio predecessore ha combattuto fino alla fine, poi quando ha sentito le parole "puoi tornare libero se vuoi" dalla mia umana, ha chiuso gli occhi e si è lasciato andare, perché era contento di essere arrivato fin dove era riuscito ad arrivare, insieme a lei, tenendo duro, più per lei che per lui. Probabilmente sapeva che sarei arrivato io, un mese dopo, a continuare quello che lui aveva dovuto lasciare per riposarsi un pochino dopo una vita passata insieme. Noi cani siamo generosi, le nostre vite durano poco forse proprio per permettere ai nostri amici umani di essere accompagnati da tanti di noi durante la loro vita. Anche se quando lui se n'è andato, l'umana mica credeva di poter avere mai un altro cane. Come lui, poi... sembrava impossibile, cresciuti insieme, sempre insieme, ed invece un mese dopo ho messo le mie zampe a casa sua! E come si è affezionata! Non mi lascia più in pace, mai un momento di intimità! Non esiste nulla grande quanto l'affetto che noi animali sappiamo dare agli umani, se solo certi se ne rendessero conto ogni tanto! E con questo arrivo al secondo dispiacere della giornata. Mentre elemosinavo - com'è mia abitudine - qualcosa dalla tavola all'ora di pranzo ho sentito dalla tv che qualche idiota ha pensato bene di fregare il cane guida ad un ragazzo non vedente. Il cane in questione si chiama Alì è un pastore tedesco di nove anni che da sette vive con Tommaso, il suo umano. Alì è gli occhi di questo ragazzo, oltre ad essere naturalmente anche il suo compagno di vita. Il cane è scomparso nella contrada di Gorgo di Montallegro in provincia di Agrigento. Alì è sparito la sera del 21, era "in borghese", cioè senza pettorina che segnala il suo nobile lavoro. Non può essersi allontanato volontariamente, probabilmente chi l'ha rubato pensava fosse un semplice pastore tedesco, invece stava portandosi via l'unico modo che ha Tommaso di vedere ciò che lo circonda. Il rapporto tra un non vedente e il suo cane è speciale ed unico e va protetto. Questi miei simili sono degli eroi! Spero che Alì torni a casa sua, non lasciamo che Tommaso perda un amico così importante. Già normalmente noi cani siamo importanti per i nostri umani, Alì col lavoro che fa lo è ancora di più! A sinistra una foto di Alì e Tommaso. Il numero di microchip del cane è 0977200001555424 il cane ha un taglio all'orecchio dx, gliene manca un piccolo frammento. Se avete informazioni contattate questo numero : Marco Molino 3387009771. Queste informazioni le ho prese dal sito del Corriere della Sera, non conosco ne il proprietario di Alì ne il signor Molino dell'Eos Cooperativa Sociale Onlus, non so nemmeno se qualcuno leggerà mai questo post, ma spero di scriverne un altro sulla restituzione di Alì alla sua famiglia.
Ariel, (first pic the last kiss of his human) the lion that since last year was paralized, is gone. He was 3 y.o. and for one year he couldn't move his paws. When one of us left is always very sad. This morning while I was reading this news with my human I soon understood that she was unhappy. I know why: my predecessor (second pics on the right when he was still healthy and proud) a mutt with fox terrier mother and unknown father, little before going back to the place where all we dogs came from, was also not walking. The last pictures of Ariel looks like his owns. They had the same look in the eyes. Ariel's human look is the same that my human had when he was with my predecessor in his last days, or when she's thinking of him. My predecessor fought till the end, but when my human whispered to him "you are free if you want", he closed his eyes and left. Probably he already knew that in a month I will come to continue what he had to leave to take a little rest after a long adventurous life. We dogs are really generous, our lives are shorter than human ones, thus they can have many of us with them. When my predecessor left, my (his) human couldn't believe she can have another dog. They grown up together, they were best friends, it seems impossible another dog can enter in her house. Instead, after a month only from his departure, my paws were there, in their house. And now she's always around me, I never have a little privacy with her, she's always on my tail. Nothing is bigger than the love we pets can give to humans! If only some people understand this! With this in mind I paw-rite the other sad news: an idiot stealed the guide dog of a blind young man. The dog is named Alì, is a 9 y.o. German Sheperd, he live with his owner Tommaso for seven years (the couple in the last pic above). He disappered on 21 july in Agrigento province. The dog was in "plain clothes" so maybe who took him didn't understand he was stealing the only chance Tommaso have to see the world around him. All the dogs are important for their humans, but Alì with his noble work is really vital for his human. If somebody is in Sicily for vacation please help Tommaso to have his friend back!
Ariel, (first pic the last kiss of his human) the lion that since last year was paralized, is gone. He was 3 y.o. and for one year he couldn't move his paws. When one of us left is always very sad. This morning while I was reading this news with my human I soon understood that she was unhappy. I know why: my predecessor (second pics on the right when he was still healthy and proud) a mutt with fox terrier mother and unknown father, little before going back to the place where all we dogs came from, was also not walking. The last pictures of Ariel looks like his owns. They had the same look in the eyes. Ariel's human look is the same that my human had when he was with my predecessor in his last days, or when she's thinking of him. My predecessor fought till the end, but when my human whispered to him "you are free if you want", he closed his eyes and left. Probably he already knew that in a month I will come to continue what he had to leave to take a little rest after a long adventurous life. We dogs are really generous, our lives are shorter than human ones, thus they can have many of us with them. When my predecessor left, my (his) human couldn't believe she can have another dog. They grown up together, they were best friends, it seems impossible another dog can enter in her house. Instead, after a month only from his departure, my paws were there, in their house. And now she's always around me, I never have a little privacy with her, she's always on my tail. Nothing is bigger than the love we pets can give to humans! If only some people understand this! With this in mind I paw-rite the other sad news: an idiot stealed the guide dog of a blind young man. The dog is named Alì, is a 9 y.o. German Sheperd, he live with his owner Tommaso for seven years (the couple in the last pic above). He disappered on 21 july in Agrigento province. The dog was in "plain clothes" so maybe who took him didn't understand he was stealing the only chance Tommaso have to see the world around him. All the dogs are important for their humans, but Alì with his noble work is really vital for his human. If somebody is in Sicily for vacation please help Tommaso to have his friend back!
4 commenti:
So happy to meet you!!!! Even thought you brought tears to Moma's eyes as she read about your sweet sweet predecessor (he'd be so proud of you!), and Ariel and Ali ... smiled realizing that our circle of friends has just gotten bigger and that we've met YOU, Eubie! We are excited to get to know you ... we've added you to our bloglist ... we'll tell our friends ... and we'll be working hard on Moma, reminding her you are here.
See you soon, sweet pup!
Jake and Fergi (and OurMoma)
Thanks for the adding,I'm new on blogger and I'm really happy to know you! Big barks from Italy!
Do you have a Facebook page, Eubie? We've told our friends about you ... hope that's okay!
Jake and Fergi
Jake and Fergi I'm very happy you told your friends about me, I like to make friends everywhere!Unfortunately I dont have facebook. Maybe when I come back from vacation I ask my human if she can make me a page. I have plenty of time when I'm at home, I'm the king of the house,you know...
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